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“It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone so far. – Marilyn Monroe”

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In the symphony of emotions and relationships, the quote, “It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone so far,” encapsulates a poignant paradox that delves into the complexities of love and companionship. Let’s unravel the layers of meaning within this statement, exploring the profound insights it offers in the context of genuine connection and the potential pitfalls of settling for distance over authenticity.

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At its core, the quote addresses the challenging choice between solitude and a relationship characterized by emotional distance and dissatisfaction. It asserts that enduring loneliness may be a more preferable state than persisting in a relationship where the emotional closeness is far from genuine.

The Unhappiness of Distant Companionship:

The crux of the statement lies in the acknowledgment that being alone and unhappy might be a more tolerable predicament than enduring the unhappiness that stems from a relationship where emotional intimacy is distant. It prompts a reevaluation of priorities, challenging the notion that any companionship, even from afar, is better than solitude.

Quality Over Proximity:

The quote implies a preference for the quality of connection over mere proximity. It suggests that the authenticity of emotional closeness holds greater significance than the physical presence of someone who, despite being nearby, remains emotionally distant. The emphasis is on the intrinsic satisfaction derived from genuine connection rather than the external appearance of togetherness.

The Weight of Emotional Distance:

In the context of relationships, the quote alludes to the weightiness of emotional distance. It asserts that the emotional gulf between individuals can be more oppressive and detrimental to one’s well-being than the solitude experienced in the absence of a romantic partner.

Choosing Authenticity and Self-Respect:

By advocating for the choice of solitude over the unhappiness stemming from a distant relationship, the quote aligns with the principles of self-respect and prioritizing genuine connections. It prompts individuals to value their emotional well-being over the external semblance of a relationship, acknowledging that authentic love is worth the patience of solitude.


In the realm of love and companionship, the wisdom embedded in this quote becomes a guiding principle. It encourages individuals to navigate the delicate balance between solitude and distant companionship, urging a prioritization of authentic connections over the mere appearance of togetherness. In the pursuit of genuine love, the quote serves as a poignant reminder that emotional closeness and fulfillment are essential, transcending the superficial proximity that might accompany a relationship plagued by distance and unhappiness.

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