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“Always keep people away from you who make you feel that you are wasting your precious time.” – Paulo Coelho

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Paulo Coelho, the renowned Brazilian author, once stated, “Always keep people away from you who make you feel that you are wasting your precious time.” This thought-provoking quote sheds light on the importance of surrounding ourselves with individuals who value and respect our time. In this article, we delve into the deeper meaning behind Paulo Coelho’s words and explore the significance of avoiding fake love and relationships that drain our precious time and energy.

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Paulo Coelho’s quote highlights the inherent value of time in our lives. Time is a finite resource, and how we choose to spend it directly affects our well-being and personal growth. By acknowledging the preciousness of time, we become more conscious of the people we allow into our lives and the impact they have on our experiences.

Identifying Toxic Relationships

The quote emphasizes the importance of discernment when it comes to the company we keep. It urges us to distance ourselves from individuals who make us feel as though our time is being wasted. These are often people who exhibit toxic behaviors, such as constant negativity, manipulation, or a lack of respect for boundaries. By recognizing and acknowledging these detrimental dynamics, we can protect ourselves from further harm.

Preserving Our Energy and Well-being

Surrounding ourselves with individuals who appreciate and respect our time is crucial for our emotional well-being. When we engage in relationships that drain our energy or leave us feeling unfulfilled, we sacrifice our own happiness and personal growth. By removing such people from our lives, we create space for genuine connections and positive experiences that contribute to our overall well-being.

Fostering Healthy Connections

Paulo Coelho’s quote serves as a reminder to prioritize relationships that align with our values and contribute positively to our lives. It encourages us to seek out individuals who value and respect our time, allowing us to grow together and create meaningful connections. By fostering healthy relationships, we surround ourselves with people who uplift, support, and inspire us.

Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care

Keeping people at a distance who make us feel like we’re wasting our time requires setting healthy boundaries. It involves recognizing our own worth and prioritizing our needs and self-care. By establishing boundaries, we empower ourselves to cultivate relationships that align with our values and contribute to our personal growth.


Paulo Coelho’s quote reminds us to be vigilant in choosing the company we keep, ensuring that our relationships are based on mutual respect and a shared appreciation for time. By distancing ourselves from individuals who make us feel like our time is being wasted, we protect our well-being and create space for authentic connections that enhance our lives. Let us embrace this wisdom and surround ourselves with people who value and honor our time, fostering relationships built on genuine care and support.

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