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“Many of us believe that when we give love, we get the love back but sometimes it’s just an illusion of what we gave them. – Akash B Chandran”

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In the enigmatic landscape of love, the quote, “Many of us believe that when we give love, we get the love back but sometimes it’s just an illusion of what we gave them,” delves into the intricacies of expectations and the often illusory nature of reciprocal affection. Let’s unravel the layers of meaning embedded in this statement, shedding light on the complexities of love’s reciprocity.

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At its core, the quote addresses a common belief in the reciprocal nature of love— the notion that when we extend love to others, we anticipate receiving it in return. However, the statement goes beyond the surface, suggesting that what we perceive as reciprocal love might sometimes be nothing more than an illusion.

The Illusion of Reciprocity:

The crux of the quote lies in the revelation that the apparent reciprocity of love may be illusory. It challenges the assumption that the love we give will always be returned in the same measure. The illusion arises when our expectations clash with the reality of the other person’s capacity for genuine, reciprocated affection.

Expectations versus Reality:

In the realm of relationships, expectations often shape our experiences. The quote prompts reflection on the disparity between our expectations of receiving love in return and the actual emotions the other person may harbor. The mismatch between what we believe we’ve given and what we receive contributes to the illusion of reciprocity.

Unmasking Fake Love:

The illusion of reciprocity becomes particularly poignant when confronted with fake love. Individuals might feign affection, creating the illusion of reciprocation, while in reality, their sentiments lack sincerity. This feigned reciprocity can lead to a profound sense of disillusionment when the truth unfolds.

The Nuances of True Reciprocity:

While the quote highlights the illusory aspects of reciprocity, it doesn’t negate the existence of genuine reciprocated love. It acknowledges that authentic connections are built on mutual affection, but it urges a tempered perspective, cautioning against assuming reciprocity solely based on the love we give.

Cultivating Realistic Expectations:

In conclusion, the quote serves as a reminder to cultivate realistic expectations in matters of the heart. It encourages individuals to navigate the complexities of love with open eyes, acknowledging that the reciprocity they desire may not always manifest as expected. By recognizing the potential illusions, one can approach relationships with a balanced perspective, fostering genuine connections while remaining vigilant to the nuances of authentic reciprocity.


In the realm of love and relationships, the wisdom encapsulated in this quote becomes a guiding light. It urges individuals to navigate the ebb and flow of affection with a nuanced understanding, recognizing that the reciprocity they seek might sometimes be an illusion. By embracing a realistic perspective, individuals can navigate the complexities of love with resilience and authenticity, fostering connections that withstand the tests of time.

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