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“You meet everyone twice in this life, when they come and when they go.” –C.C Aurel

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The quote “You meet everyone twice in this life, when they come and when they go” by C.C. Aurel encapsulates the bittersweet nature of human connections and the cyclical nature of meeting and parting ways with others. In this article, we will explore the profound meaning behind this quote, delving into the significance of encounters, farewells, and the emotional impact they have on our lives.

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At first glance, the quote suggests that we encounter people not just once but twice in our lives. The first encounter occurs when we meet someone, whether by chance or design, and form a connection. This initial meeting is filled with anticipation, excitement, and the possibility of forging meaningful relationships.

The Essence of Departure

The second encounter mentioned in the quote refers to the departure or farewell. It acknowledges the transient nature of relationships and the inevitability of parting ways. When individuals exit our lives, whether through physical separation, the end of a relationship, or even death, we meet them once again—this time in the realm of farewells and goodbyes.

The Emotional Weight

The quote alludes to the emotional weight associated with both encounters. When we meet someone for the first time, we open ourselves up to the potential for joy, love, and companionship. We invest emotions, time, and energy into nurturing the relationship. However, when the time comes for them to leave, whether by choice or circumstance, we experience a different set of emotions—loss, grief, and a sense of longing.

The Journey of Relationships

The concept conveyed by the quote suggests that relationships are a continuous cycle of meeting and parting ways. We encounter people throughout our lives, forming connections that shape our experiences and contribute to our personal growth. Some relationships are fleeting, while others endure for a lifetime. Regardless of their duration, each encounter holds significance and leaves an indelible mark on our hearts.

Embracing Impermanence

The quote also highlights the transient nature of life and the impermanence of relationships. It reminds us to cherish and appreciate the people we meet, knowing that their presence may not be forever. By acknowledging this impermanence, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the connections we form and make the most of the time we have with others.

Finding Meaning in Farewells

While farewells can be emotionally challenging, they also provide an opportunity for reflection and growth. Parting ways with someone allows us to appreciate the impact they had on our lives, the lessons learned, and the memories created. Farewells serve as reminders of the importance of cherishing moments of connection and valuing the relationships we have, even when they come to an end.

The Cycle of Life

Ultimately, the quote captures the cyclical nature of life and relationships. It reminds us that we will continually encounter new people, forge connections, and bid farewell to those who have played a role in our journey. Each meeting and departure contributes to our personal development, shaping our understanding of love, loss, and the complexities of human connections.


“You meet everyone twice in this life, when they come and when they go” encapsulates the ebb and flow of relationships and the profound emotional impact of encounters and farewells. It encourages us to appreciate the transient nature of connections, to cherish the time we have with others, and to find meaning in the cycle of meeting and parting ways. By embracing the significance of each encounter, we can navigate the complexities of human relationships with empathy, understanding, and a deeper appreciation for the connections we form along the way.

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