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“Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.” ― Christina Rossetti

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In the realm of poignant expressions, certain quotes encapsulate the profound nature of human emotions. Among them stands the quote, “Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.” This seemingly simple yet deeply resonant statement reflects the intricate dance between memory and emotional well-being.

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The essence of the quote lies in the delicate balance between remembrance and emotional preservation. At its core, it suggests that there is a certain tranquility in embracing forgetfulness, in choosing to release the burdensome weight of painful memories. The act of smiling after forgetting signifies a triumph of the spirit, a conscious decision to prioritize one’s present and future happiness over the lingering shadows of the past.

The Power of Forgetfulness:

In a world often laden with heartaches and setbacks, the ability to forget becomes a powerful tool for self-preservation. While memories can be cherished, some are accompanied by a profound sense of sadness. Choosing to forget, therefore, becomes an act of self-compassion—a deliberate step towards emotional healing.

Embracing the Smile:

The quote advocates for the therapeutic value of a genuine smile. It suggests that the act of smiling, when coupled with the art of forgetting, becomes a symbol of resilience. A smile not only masks the pain but also serves as a beacon of hope, a testament to the indomitable human spirit that can rise above adversity.

The Dichotomy of Memory:

The dichotomy presented in the quote underscores the inherent conflict between remembering and letting go. While memories can be beautiful, they can also be a source of profound sadness. This eloquent expression urges us to weigh the emotional cost of clinging to memories that tether us to sorrow against the liberating freedom found in releasing them.

Application in Daily Life:

In the realm of emotional status updates, this quote serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize mental well-being. It encourages individuals to curate a positive emotional space, recognizing that forgetting can be a powerful act of self-love. Crafting a status around this quote could be a personal declaration of resilience, an affirmation to focus on the beauty of the present moment rather than dwelling in the shadows of the past.


In the poignant landscape of sad English quotes, this particular gem stands out as a beacon of wisdom. It invites us to navigate the labyrinth of our emotions with grace, encouraging us to choose joy over sorrow. The ability to forget and smile becomes an art—a therapeutic practice that paves the way for healing and growth. In crafting status updates, let this quote be a guiding light, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of a genuine smile born from the courage to forget.

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