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“Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard.” — David Levithan

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In the poignant realm of human emotion, the quote, “Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard,” articulates the profound impact of emotional turmoil on the very essence of our being. Let’s delve into the layers of this statement to understand the emotional struggle it encapsulates.

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The metaphorical use of “breathing” in the quote goes beyond its physicality, delving into the emotional and psychological dimensions of the human experience. In times of deep sorrow and incessant crying, the act of breathing becomes a symbolic representation of the struggle to navigate the heavy currents of grief.

The Overwhelming Weight of Tears:

The connection between crying and the difficulty of breathing suggests an overwhelming emotional weight. Tears, often seen as a cathartic release, take on a different nuance here—they become the tangible expression of profound sorrow. The accumulation of tears transforms the act of breathing from an involuntary, life-sustaining function to a conscious effort, laden with the weight of grief.

The Exhaustion of Emotional Release:

The quote conveys a sense of emotional exhaustion that accompanies intense crying. When one is immersed in a sea of tears, each breath seems to carry the burden of sorrow. The realization that breathing becomes a challenging task underscores the all-encompassing nature of the emotional release, leaving the individual physically and emotionally drained.

The Intersection of Physical and Emotional Pain:

By highlighting the difficulty in breathing, the quote blurs the lines between physical and emotional pain. It suggests that the toll of profound sadness extends beyond the realms of the heart and mind, permeating the very act of existence. The fusion of physical and emotional distress serves as a powerful metaphor for the holistic nature of human suffering.

A Cry for Understanding:

In unveiling the struggle of breathing amid tears, the quote serves as a silent cry for understanding. It invites empathy and compassion for those navigating the depths of sorrow, recognizing that the emotional weight they bear transcends mere sentiment and seeps into the core of their being. It urges us to approach the complexities of human emotion with gentleness and awareness.


In the poignant reflection of “Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard,” we confront the visceral reality of emotional pain. This quote serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being and invites us to approach the struggles of those in grief with empathy. As we navigate the delicate landscape of human emotions, may this understanding inspire a compassionate response to the silent battles fought beneath the weight of tears.

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